Simple Guide to Deactivating My AI Avatar on Snapchat

Ghost Together
3 min readAug 16, 2023


Are you perturbed by the AI chat bot that continually hovers over your friends’ feed in Snapchat? You are far from alone in this.

How to disable Snapchat AI

As of the update on June 15, 2023, deactivating My AI from Snapchat is exclusive to Snapchat Plus subscribers. While this is less than ideal, there are still potential remedies you can consider.

Here’s what seems to be best video explaining how to disable Snapchat AI:

How to disable Snapchat AI (youtube video tutorial)

This guide is committed to staying current, and we’ll promptly refresh the content as Snapchat unrolls an official method to relocate your AI avatar from its prominent spot atop your friends’ feed. In the meantime, dive into this article to investigate the choices at your disposal.

Say Farewell to Snapchat’s AI: A Straightforward Guide to Deactivation

Are you contemplating how to switch off AI on Snapchat, even without Snapchat+? Unfortunately, the outlook remains bleak.

Since the June 15, 2023, update, Snapchat hasn’t provided a free pathway to turn off My AI within the app. To completely remove, unpin, or delete My AI, you must be enrolled in a Snapchat+ subscription.

But fret not — if My AI is rubbing you the wrong way, there are maneuvers you can employ, as highlighted on Snapchat’s official support page. At this point, these are the sole solutions that exist.

Detailed Procedure to Disable My AI on Snapchat

For Snapchat+ subscribers keen to remove My AI from their Snapchat experience, adhere to these steps:

  1. Access the camera screen.
  2. Execute a right swipe.
  3. Long-press on My AI within the Chat Screen.
  4. Opt for the Chat Settings alternative.
  5. Hit ‘Clear from Chat Feed’.

Should you prefer to maintain My AI, but banish it from your viewing feed, head to your profile and advance to the Snapchat Plus control screen. Here, you are at liberty to toggle the My AI attribute at will, without entirely expelling it from the app.

To wholly sever ties with Snapchat’s My AI, be guided by these steps:

  1. Initiate the Snapchat app.
  2. Select the Bitmoji, located in the upper left corner.
  3. Use Cog Wheel icon within your Profile screen, initiating Settings.
  4. Descend to Privacy Controls.
  5. Press ‘Clear Data’.
  6. Opt for the ‘Clear Conversations’ feature.
  7. Click on the X icon beside My AI to eradicate it from your feed.

Snapchat’s My AI Feature Demystified

Situated in users’ Chat feeds, My AI showcases a bespoke Bitmoji avatar. The feature harnesses OpenAI’s ChatGPT prowess via API integration.

This synergy allows My AI to act as your digital assistant — arranging your daily schedule, proposing meal ideas, solving trivia queries, and more, through mere text prompts from within Snapchat’s interface.

Why, then, are some users eager to evict Snapchat’s My AI feature? One primary grievance is its conspicuous placement, stationed above friends’ posts in the feed — a locale some deem obtrusive.

Snapchat’s AI avatar is engineered to mimic friend-like interactions. Nevertheless, it isn’t universally celebrated. One significant factor is privacy, as some users question whether their AI dialogues are subject to Snapchat’s data collection practices. While the majority of this data usage is benign, it does cause unease for some users.

Furthermore, despite programming intended to prohibit negative or violent reactions, My AI is not infallible, occasionally deviating from these programmed norms.

For these reasons, it’s understandable why many Snapchat patrons are seeking pathways to excise this feature from their app experience.

Sourced from: how to disable snapchat AI tutorial



Ghost Together

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